Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Brig, Switzerland to Aosta, Italia

Wednesday, May 19th
Woke up to a bright and sunny day in Brig. It has been a whirlwind of a
trip so far. The day we got lost on the way to Grindelwald, I felt
like I was in a Star Trek Movie - "going where no man has gone before"!
Some of the roads that Lonnie took were scary - straight up on one side
and straight down on the other and only wide enough for one car. Today
I just felt like I was on "The Amazing Race" and too dumb to read the map!!!
(Curtis, if you get on The Amazing Race, be sure to take a compass, a
pen and pad of paper, and a small language translator.)

On the way out of Brig, we stopped by the Swiss equivalent of a Home
Depot store. Then headed to the Saint Bernard Pass. It began snowing
on us there! That was fun! Then we came on to Aosta to view some
Roman Ruins that have been here since the city was founded in 28BC. It
was the Roman ruins that we couldn't seem to find today. And, once we
got a map, I still didn't know where we were. (and the lady in the
computer finally had to go today!! I told Lonnie that he knew how to
read and could follow the signs!)
And today, when I was starving at 3PM because we hadn't eaten lunch,
Lonnie finally gave in and stopped at McDonald's. Tonight I had a pizza
and Lonnie had a Calzone that was as big as his platter. Needless to
say, we couldn't eat it all. Then they asked if we wanted Spaghetti
for our 3rd course (after salad and meal).
Today's Hotel - Hotel Diana in Pollein, Italy

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having a lot of fun. Not too sure about some of the food or getting lost. That calzone did look big!
