Sunday, May 16, 2010

In the Beginning . . .

Hi! Posts have been delayed due to technical difficulties. So
technical, in fact, that our phone only worked one time -thank you, Lord
- for us to call Peyton to let him know that we had arrived safely in
Zurich. The internet worked a couple of times for a few short minutes.
The GPS worked for a day or so, then decided to stop working as well.
We now have phone service through a Swiss company, and, thanks to Peyton
finding the paperwork at home, our GPS is back in service. The
adventure began in Zurich, where we were told that they gave our car
away because they thought we weren't coming. We had to wait there over
an hour, and then take a more expensive and larger car. It is a very
nice car, but it concerns me a little on some of the roads that we drive
on! (For example, today we were on a road that was wide enough for only
one car, with cliffs straight up on one side, and straight down on the
other - with hairpin curves that you couldn't see around, of course!
After meeting a car, we managed to find a turnout and go back down the
mountain. Both of us decided that we are either getting too old for
these kinds of roads, or that we would like to live long enough to see
our grandchildren grow up and marry!) Back to Zuriich - That is also
when all of our technical difficulties began. Rosemary, my stress level
was high enough that I certainly could have used a massage. Since then,
we have gotten all but the internet working. Hope to have it fixed soon!

Yesterday we bought our first souvenirs in Luzern. I thought that we
had packed everything we could possibly need, but I forgot to pack a
couple of things that I had planned to. So, it was off to CasaGrande
in Luzern for gloves and hats! Got to the flea market just as everyone
was closing :-( . Was very thankful that we had purchased raincoats and
rainpants before leaving Memphis, because it was cold and rainy all day

Today is our day to go to Grindelwald, in the mountains. And, to
whoever said we needed to see new places first, you didn't have to!
Peyton, help!!! We need your navigational skills!!! A few hours ago, we
were 38 miles from Grindelwald. Now we are 55 miles from there, sitting
in a very long line to go through a pass that will lead us who knows
where. The other 2 passes, leading other places, are closed due to snow
or slides!! And, it has been snowing on us Maybe I need a new winter
coat :-)
It's nearly 7:30PM and, Grindelwald, where we were supposed to be
around noon, is still nowhere in sight! But, we have seen some
beautiful country and mountains!!! "I will lift up mine eyes unto the
hills from whence cometh my help. My help comes from the Lord God who
made heaven and earth!" Ps 121

And, did I mention - we are in SWITZERLAND which is in EUROPE. I love
Europe!! (in case you hadn't guessed it by now).our

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