Friday, May 14, 2010

Flight to Amsterdam

I am currently sitting on the back row (and I do mean back row) of a
very long plane! We are flying over Iceland, but are so high up that I
cannot see anything but clouds below us. It is about 1:45AM in
Memphis. Obviously I cannot sleep on the plane! Our adventure began
at the Memphis Airport, where we went to check in and were told that we
would have to use the Skycheck-in. We tried turning our tickets all
different ways, but even though Lonnie has worked with computers over 35
years, and I consider myself somewhat computer savvy, the Skycheck-in
posed a definite challenge to us. It might as well have been written in
Greek. I mean, whatever happened to just walking up to a flight
attendant, checking in and checking your bags? We finally got the
computer to spit out some boarding passes, but, alas, no luggage tags.
At that point, a real person had to get involved. I don't know if she
was new, or if we just posed a specific challenge, but she had to get a
second person involved. A book was pulled out and searched, and
finally they figured out how to get tags for our luggage. Whew! What
an experience. Then we noticed that our seats were in the back of the
plane, instead of over the wing as we had requested. They told us that
the planes had been changed, so the computer had assigned new seats. I
personally like the back seat. Lonnie isn't too fond of it. The meal
that we were served was very good. The movie was Leap Year.(definitely
worth seeing if you like Romantic-Comedies - I do!) Lonnie is
sleeping, but most people are awake and stirring. One more thing before
I stop . . .Lonnie's carry-on bag weighed exactly 25.0 lbs and my
carry-on bag weighed exactly 25.0lbs. What are the odds of that?
Signing off for now

It is now 5:30AM Memphis time, 12:30PM Amsterdam time. I am praising
God that I am sitting safely in Schiphol Airport. It is such a clean
and happy-looking airport. And did I mention that it is in Europe!!!
I am extremely tired, so Lonnie went in search of some food for us to
eat before our next flight. We should be boarding in about an hour to
fly on to Zurich. And, why didn't we just stop here, you ask. To fly
to Amsterdam was $500 more per person round-trip than it was to fly to
Amsterdam, then on to Zurich. We live in such a strange world.


  1. Phone Number Doesn't work.


  2. Any jet lag? Sounds like a good time. Linda M. The other Linda
