Saturday, May 22, 2010

Florence, Italy

Saturday, May 22 -
Firenze, Italia
Today was another beautiful, sunny day in Italy. I've decided that I
just need to throw our schedule out the window, because we are always
running behind! Today was supposed to be a short shopping trip to
Florence, but we ended up staying most of the day. Everywhere we have
been in Europe so far, the people are frantically working to get ready
for Tourist Season. Too late! The tourists are already in Italy.
There weren't as many people as there were three years ago, tho,and the
weather was cooler than three years ago, so we had a very pleasant
day. We shopped in all of the markets, then went to the Medici
Chapel. I didn't buy much, but had a great time looking! We did get
Gelato - I had pistachio and coconut. And, of course we had to walk
across the Ponte Vecchio bridge.

I don't like to see American things here for the most part - but I have
to say - I was happy to see a Mcdonald's on the way to the parking
garage after a full day in Florence. Chicken nuggets with curry sauce,
french fries and coke! Quick and Easy. Tonight's meal, at Poggibonsi
was not quite as good. Perhaps if I had not looked it up, I would be
fine. Lonnie told me not to look it up. I just had to do it! I asked
for the house specialty - it was Trippa Fiorentina - tripe. I had no
idea, but I suspected it was something they might force them to eat on
The Amazing Race. I'm still feeling ok, so we'll see how I am in the

To my Doll Friends - Yesterday we visited Collodi where Pinocchio is
from. I had to buy a wooden Pinocchio. I sure hope he fits in the

Tonight we are staying in Pogggibonsi, Italy. Once again, the Lord
provided. We needed to find a hotel with parking and a grocery store.
We found a great hotel, and looked out the window to see a grocery store
a couple of blocks away. We asked the receptionist about it, and she
said that it closed at 8PM - (it was 8:15PM). We decided to walk to it
anyway, and found that they had just changed their hours to 8:30PM, so
we were able to buy bread, meat and water for lunch tomorrow. Isn't God

It's late - and tomorrow is another day, so I'm sending some pics and
signing off.

Hotel in Florence - Novotel
Hotel in Poggibonsi - The Ambassador Hotel

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