Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun Delays

Sunday, May 30
Erlangen - Coburg - Fulda
Another day in Deutschland has passed. We got up this morning and got
ready to leave, but could hear a band playing. I thought that surely
the Carnival (Volkfest) wasn't going on that early, but I was wrong. We
decided to go and check it out. Then it started raining again. The
showers didn't last long. By the time we walked the block to the
carnival, we saw that all of the Beer Halls already had lots of people
with their large tankards. It had gotten quiet sometime during the
night, so I am guessing that it closed down in the wee hours and opened
again early. We walked through the carnival again, with less people in
our way today, and filmed some of the bands that were playing in the
Beer Halls, as well as the rides and food stands. Then, Lonnie
finally agreed to go on the Gigantic Ferris Wheel with me. I love
Ferris Wheels and Scramblers (they didn't have one of those). I
purchased some Carnival food, then it was time to travel on.

We decided that since we had not made it very far from Nuremberg, that
we would drive back in to see the place where the War Crimes Trials were
held after WWII. All of my info said that it would not be open to the
public until Autumn. Later I read somewhere else that it might have
been open this afternoon. Maybe next time. We have so many places
that we want to go, and things we want to see, that we did not want to
stay around.

We drove on to Coburg, where Lonnie dropped me off and went in search of
Parking. Road construction, the carnival, and going back to Nuremberg
slowed us down, so we did not make it to Coburg as early as I had hoped.
I went upstairs to go into the Doll Museum, only to find that they had
closed at 4PM (we arrived at 4:15PM) :-( . I wasn't sure where Lonnie
was, or when he was coming back. We got two phones and SIM cards this
year, as well as a SIM card that I wanted so that we would be able to
communicate with each other in situations like this. The SIM cards
that Lonnie purchased have not really worked yet, so there was no way
to call him. I just stood on the street corner waiting for him to
return. There were some other people there with me for a few minutes,
waiting on their bus. One of the ladies was nice enough to translate
the opening and closing times for me. It was a Doll Club from
Northern Germany on a Doll Museum Tour. (Anyone want to do one of those
tours - I can plan it for us if you do :-) ). They were on their way
to the Kathe Kruse museum next, and were excited to learn that I had
visited that one as well. ourThere was really nothing to do in the
town, and parking was almost non-existent, so we headed on toward the

We ended up getting a room tonight in Fulda. We were beginning to
wonder. Our GPS listed 58 hotels. We went to one that sounded good,
only to find that it was closed. Lonnie said to plot a course for the
Holiday Inn downtown (who wants to stay in an American hotel in
Germany??). Well, we got downtown only to find that the Holiday Inn was
closed, also. We drove past other places that looked closed. We were
beginning to think we were in a Ghost Town. We finally found a lovely,
inexpensive room at the Zieherser Hof. I may actually go to bed earlier
tonight. It's 9PM and we are actually in our room! Tomorrow it's on to
the Netherlands.

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