Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 16th, Lazelberger to Salzburg

Wednesday, June 16
Lazelberger, Austria to Salzburg

We awoke this morning to rain and cooler temperatures once again. Thank
you, Lord! The only concern I have with the weather is that Lonnie is
now driving on the Autobahn and it is difficult to see. There are a
lot more cars on the road now than when we started driving in 1998.
They still seem to obey the laws better here, and I am wondering if
there is a law against doing anything while you are driving (other than
driving), or if the people are just smarter here. While everyone has a
cell phone, we have not seen anyone talking on one while driving (and,
trust me, I have been watching in every country). We have also not seen
anyone eating while driving, putting on make-up, or shaving, or reading
a newspaper while driving (as we have in the States). The trucks have a
lower speed limit, and can only drive in certain lanes (and they
actually obey those laws, from what we have observed). Some of the
roads are a little worse this year, but apparently that has to do with
the winter they just had.

We finally arrived in the Salzkammergut area aound noon. Since Mondsee
was on the way, I had Lonnie stop there. We walked around the area,
went inside the church where they filmed the wedding scene in "The Sound
of Music", then did some shopping and ate pizza! It was so cold there
that we had to pull out the winter coats, hats and gloves. It was also
misting some. After pizza, we drove down to the "See" and took some
pictures of the boats, and mountains. Then drove on to Salzburg. There
was a bridge that I wanted to take a picture of, but I knew that with
Lonnie driving 100mph, it would be difficult to do. And, would you
believe, they were doing road work on the Autobahn just past that
bridge, so the traffic came to a virtual stand-still at that very spot.
Isn't God good? Not only can He move mountains, but He can stop traffic
on the Autobahn at will. Immediately after passing under the bridge,
traffic resumed it's normal speed.

We had called ahead,so we knew where we would be spending the night. It
should have been such a simple thing. Lonnie got off at the correct
exit, and while trying to find the right road, ended up back on the
Autobahn. We drove to the next exit, turned around and came back. Once
again, we ended up on the Autobahn going a different direction. Yes, we
went to Germany (yet, again!!!). We were on the right road the first
time, so it should have been so simple. We finally arrived at our hotel
later than planned, and checked in for two nights instead of one. By the
time that we got downtown in Salzburg, everything was closed. :( On
our way into town, we had to stop by the Cineplex to see what was
playing. Lonnie wanted to go and see a movie. We walked around
Salzburg for a little bit to get our bearings, then headed out to the
movie theater to see Iron Man 2. Lonnie had seen it several times
already, so he knew what was going on. I had never seen it, so I
understood only a handful of words (all was in German, of course). I
guess the good guys won at the end.

We got back to the hotel around 11PM, I did some research about where to
go and what to see, and then crashed for the night. Now I am ready to
go to breakfast, and get started on my Salzburg Adventure.

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