Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 9th, Mlada Boleslav to Pardubice

Wednesday, June 9th
Mlada Boleslav to Pardubice

Today we went in search of more rocks. . .and, we found more!  We did also find an old Castle, tho, at Hruba Skaly and stopped there for lunch.   I ended up with mac and cheese (not called that in Czech, obviously) and Lonnie (who has made the better choice many times this trip) ended up with something like roast.  His was very good.   Mine was pretty heavy, so I didn't eat it all.   The Castle was nice, and is also a hotel.  Had it been later in the day, we might have stayed there.   They also have something like an "Outward Bound" program there where people can learn to do archery, rappel and do climbing.   There were several school groups there on field trips (from Kindergarten to High School age).  What a cool field trip!

Lonnie found some boulders at the bottom of the mountain, so he had me climb down the mountain to see them.  I  walked a short distance at the bottom, then climbed back up the mountain and let him hike for a while. I was totally exhausted by the time that I made it back to the top!   It has been extremely hot here, with no air conditioning except in the car. (I am certainly thankful for the very nice car that we are driving!).  They had a rock and mineral museum there (small), so I wandered in it for a little bit, then bought some water at a little stand and sat at their picnic table while waiting for Lonnie to climb back up the mountain.  One thing I like about some of these places is that there is usually a snack bar and restrooms at the tops of the mountains where you climb to!

After that, we continued driving the back, back roads until time to stop for the night.  I can't remember if I told you this,but at one point, I told Lonnie to watch out for the dog in the road.  It turned out to be the largest rabbit I have ever seen!  When we stayed in the National Park, the woman tried to explain to us that the skin we were looking at was from a rabbit.   We thought it was a mistake, because we had never seen a rabbit that big!  Well, apparently the skin really was from a rabbit!

We found a hotel in Pardubice, Czech Republic.   We were beginning to get a little concerned, because the first hotels we looked at were booked up.  This hotel was okay, but did not have a restaurant, so we had to walk a little ways to find something to eat.   We ended up at an Irish Pub (the only thing around).   The burger and fries there were delicious!!  There is something about Czech food - so far we have had Mexican at one place (with a Hungarian goulash twist), and now Irish.  What's up with that?  By the time we got back to the room, I was totally exhausted and went straight to bed.

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