Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 3rd - Where in the World Are the Eppersons???

June 3rd -

In exactly three weeks, we will be heading home. I had my first twinge
of homesickness today, but I still have a lot that I want to see and do!
We were on the road again today. We drove to Appeldoorn to see the
monkeys, but decided the price was too high when we got there since we
would only be there an hour or so, so we didn't go in. Then we got tied
up in traffic on the Autobahn. We drove through some of the Netherlands
farmlands looking for flowers, but everyone told us we had to be there
in March or April to see those. It made me wonder, tho. How do they
cut down fields of flowers and still have them looking so nice when they
get to market?? We didn't make it to our next stop for the day. But
that's ok. I was sick last night (sinus infection with fever - having
fever with it is rare for me), so I wasn't in any hurry to get anywhere
today. I am feeling better tonight. I prayed for healing, and also
started my antibiotics last night. I may see if I can find some
Benadryl tomorrow.

As Lonnie and I were sitting at the table eating tonight, I asked him
what town we were in. He didn't know. I asked what the name of our
Hotel was. He didn't know, So, neither of us have any idea where we
are except that we are somewhere in Germany! We are in a hotel that is
100 years old. The daughter (who is probably in her 40's) of the
family that owns it speaks English, and said that her family has owned
it for 27 years. When Lonnie checked in, they give him the key to one
room. When we went up the stairs to go to the room, she had us look at
several rooms so we could pick the one that we liked best! Now, how
often does that happen. When we went to the restaurant, she translated
the menu for us. Even though it was a regular large hotel menu, it was
hand-written by her mother. The menu consisted of her mother's
recipes. So, we had good German home-cooking tonight. She told us that
her father will cook the breakfast in the morning. They have only one
other guest in the hotel tonight. It is still not high season (tourist
season) for another two weeks.

It is 10:30PM here and still daylight - but, I think I will go to bed so
I can feel even better tomorrow. Night all!

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